Saturday, November 27, 2010

SEO and Backlinks

What are Backlinks or Inbound links?

The popularity of a website is based on the links that it receives. Backlinks are the links that enter your website. Backlinks were the only source of web navigation few years back, before the emergence of search engine optimization. Now, backlinks are the backbone of search engine positioning. Backlinking is very useful for the people who cannot afford more money on advertising. These links lead to a web page and back lead to another web page. The backlink works great with the websites that is designed with high quality, well established and with good rank.

There are numerous techniques used in the internet market to gain from backlinks. Some of them are article submissions, Directory submission, press release, blog posting and social networking.

Why search engines consider backlinks to rank a site?

The search engine treat your website is like a Ballet Box. So, it takes every backlink to your site as a vote. Depending on the number of backlinks received, your website is branded in the search engine. So, if your site receives more backlinks, then your site has something useful or informative for the audience.

At present, knowing the value and importance of the backlinks, people have started selling and buying it which is not a good sign for online business. So, people who can spend money to purchase backlinks shines and others with empty pocket are dumped in a corner. This forced the Google to take action on the sites that are selling backlinks. Even this strong punishment could not completely bring solution and even now you can find some culprits in the internet market.

Even though it is a cause of worry for the people who could not spend money on buying backlinks, still they can do better with good content. The content plays the vital role in grabbing the attention of the audience. So, if you can post keyword rich and informative rich content, then you are sure to win the race. The content should be related to your business or that is useful for the audience. You can drive traffic to your site through blogs. Posting blogs will have great impact in building your website and improving search engine rankings.

A Backlinking strategy seems to be easy. For some it also looks like a fun. But, through backlinking, a website owner may learn more and get the opportunity to meet new people. The slow and steady process will definitely lift your website to the first page in the search engine optimization.

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